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  • Gum Emergencies

    The tissues of the gums, tongue, or cheek lining are vulnerable to accidents like sports injuries, bites, or scalding liquids. If you have an injury to the soft tissue of your mouth, you should: Rinse out your mouth with salt water Remove any visible debris Contain bleeding by pressing a clean, damp

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  • Gum Grafting

    If your dentist has detected that your gums have receded substantially, you may be referred to a periodontist for a gum graft. Gum recession occurs when the tissue surrounding each tooth pulls away, exposing more of the tooth or the tooth root. This exposure can cause significant damage to the supporting

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  • How to Brush and Floss

    It’s no secret that the best way to prevent oral decay and disease is by maintaining a strict oral hygiene routine every day. Brushing and flossing go hand in hand; you shouldn’t do one without the other. Brushing your teeth is an excellent way to remove food debris and flossing allows you to get

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  • How to Prevent Cavities

    Cavities are small in size but can cause big problems. In the form of little holes in your teeth, they develop when acid attacks your tooth enamel, the essential protective covering for your teeth. The acid may come either from your diet or certain oral bacteria that flourish when poor oral hygiene is

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  • Implant Care and Maintenance

    An implant can lose attachment to the bone, even after it has successfully fused to it. Here are two ways your implant could lose attachment to the bone, and what you can do keep your implants intact: Poor oral hygiene It’s especially important to brush and floss, and schedule regular dental cleanings

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