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  • Nitrous Oxide

    Nitrous oxide, commonly referred to as “laughing gas,” has been used in dental procedures since the 19th century. Modern nitrous oxide sedation is a safe, popular, and effective option for patients who experience mild to moderate dental anxiety. Nitrous oxide provides the lightest form of dental

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  • Nitrous Oxide for Children

    Sometimes, children are too fearful to receive necessary dental treatment. When this happens, conscious sedation with nitrous oxide may be recommended to help make your child’s experience of dental treatment stress-free. Conscious sedation involves medication to help ease tension and block pain during

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  • Non-Surgical Periodontal Procedures

    Periodontal disease is an infection of your gum tissue, usually caused by poor oral hygiene habits. If brushing and flossing is not done at least twice a day, and you’re not visiting your dentist for checkups and professional cleanings twice a year, plaque will build up on the teeth and eventually

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  • Nutrition and Oral Health

    Nutrition goes hand in hand with oral health. It can affect the speed at which oral diseases may progress. Such diseases include caries, periodontal disease, erosion, cancer, ulcers, and dry mouth. For some people, good nutrition may not be a possibility due to age, specific medical conditions, or socioeconomic

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  • Oral Cancer Screenings

    Oral cancer screenings check for any precancerous or cancerous conditions in the mouth. An oral cancer screening is completed with an ultraviolet light that allows your dentist to view issues that cannot be detected with the naked eye. Precancerous lesions identified under this light are much easier

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